20 Things Every NCAA Gymnast Has Experienced
20 Things Every NCAA Gymnast Has Experienced
If you are or were a college gymnast, you can most likely relate to every single one of these posts.
If you are or were a college gymnast, you can most likely relate to every single one of these posts. What are some other things all college gymnasts have experienced? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
1. Wearing a face tattoo and a ribbon in your hair was as much a part of your competition attire as your leotard was. You didn't feel complete, or competition-ready. until your tattoo and ribbon were on
2. You had to plan your classes around practices... and sometimes that meant being in the dreaded 8am section.
3. You've had to wear ice packs to class after practice... and you spent a good amount of time trying, usually unsuccessfully, to take them off quietly.
4. You had to reschedule tests or assignments. Especially during season, it felt like you never took a test at the same time as the rest of your class.
5. You traveled in a pack. You're so used to traveling with your entire team that anytime you fly alone it feels weird (and you seem to have a much greater chance of getting lost in the airport without your team).
6. Competition season means free food! You're used to pre-ordering your meals for the entire weekend and getting seated as soon as you enter a restaurant.
7. What holiday break? When everyone was away for Christmas break and campus felt like a ghost town, you were still there with the rest of the winter and spring sports teams.
8. But there were some perks… Receiving your per diem almost made up for having to be back early from break.
9. You wish you had more time. You sometimes got jealous of your non-athlete friends who got to go home and take a nap after class instead of going to practice… but you also couldn't imagine not being an athlete.
10. When you actually got a day off from practice you never knew what to do with all that time… then it passed way too quickly.
11. One of the best days of the year... was the day you received your new gear.
12. And you got so much of it that you could have worn school gymnastics clothes every single day of the year... which you did.
13. You mastered the art of sleeping in small spaces. Whether it was a bus or a plane, you could get quite comfy in the little space you had.
14. The training room was your second home... and you sometimes called your trainer "mom." Your trainer was also almost as good as your mom at fixing your injuries or illnesses (but shhh, don't tell your mom).
15. Taking the concussion test made you feel like the most uncoordinated human being ever. "I promise I'm more coordinated than this, look I can do flips on a four inch beam!"
15. Taking the concussion test made you feel like the most uncoordinated human being ever. "I promise I'm more coordinated than this, look I can do flips on a four inch beam!"
16. You remember the first time you had to take an ice bath… and almost cried. But you eventually learned to appreciate and even like them.
17. You may have been shy during your first drug test, but by your senior year you had no bathroom shyness whatsoever.
18. Summer breaks in college were actually somewhat of a break compared to club. Your grandma status body needed a rest after competing every single weekend during season.
19. You were so close with your teammates that even when you were only away for a weekend, you'd still text them every day.
20. There was always that one song that got the team pumped up before every meet each season. Even now, hearing those songs reminds you of the locker room pre-meet.