10 Sacrifices Gymnasts Make
10 Sacrifices Gymnasts Make
Many competitive gymnasts have to make sacrifices to be able to reach their dreams. These sacrifices can be minor or major depending on the goals the gymnast looks to reach. Let us know what sacrifices you make as a gymnast!

Many competitive gymnasts have to make sacrifices to be able to reach their dreams. These sacrifices can be minor or major depending on the goals the gymnast looks to reach. Let us know what sacrifices you make as a gymnast!
1. School Schedule
Many high level gymnasts make sacrifices that affect their school schedule. Some gymnasts even have to change their school hours or take classes online to allow for more training time.

2. Family Time
One sacrifice gymnasts may have to make is the amount of time spent with family. With so many hours spent in the gym, the amount of family time can be limited. Some top level gymnasts have even made the sacrifice of moving away from home to train with the best coaches in the country
3. Social Events
One of the biggest sacrifices that gymnasts make is missing out on social events with friends. Gymnasts often miss out on sleepovers, shopping trips, spring break, etc. due to their time training in the gym.

4. Soft hands
If you are a competitive gymnast you have given up on the idea of having soft hands. Gymnasts tend to get rough hands, calluses and rips due to their hard work on bars.
5. Pain Free Body
With the amount of stress that a gymnast takes on their body during training, a gymnast rarely feels a pain free body. Many gymnasts need to put as much time into their rehab as they do training. This includes cold baths, therapy, ice and heat treatments.

6. Free time
Gymnasts might joke that they don't know what free time is! With so much time spent in the gym all the extra time they have is committed to school work, rehab and rest. When gymnasts do get off days and free time they just love it.
Ex on right: Simone studying in the pool-
Image via Biles' twitter
Ex on right: Simone studying in the pool-
Image via Biles' twitter
7. Playing other sports
In order to dedicate their attention to gymnastics it means that gymnasts are not able to take part in other sports. Gymnasts might also have to give up other activities as well such as plays, band and school groups.
8. School Events
Many gymnasts have to give up events that happen after school hours due to their time in the gym. This includes events such as dances, prom, football games, etc.
9. Financial
Although this sacrifice comes from more of the parents, it does affect many gymnasts. Many families pay a substantial amount per month to their gyms, along with competition costs, traveling for meets, and apparel/equipment costs. This sacrifice can affect the entire family and can be tough for many.
10. Family Vacations
Many gymnasts and families are unable to take family vacations due to the commitment in the gym. Often times gymnasts travel around the country or even world for competitions with their teams and family.
Although many gymnasts give up a lot throughout their careers, most would say it is all worth it! Gymnasts find great success and reach goals due to all their hard work and sacrifices throughout the years. Those gymnasts who are willing to sacrifice so much often find themselves in college gymnastics or elite level programs.
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Many gymnasts and families are unable to take family vacations due to the commitment in the gym. Often times gymnasts travel around the country or even world for competitions with their teams and family.
Although many gymnasts give up a lot throughout their careers, most would say it is all worth it! Gymnasts find great success and reach goals due to all their hard work and sacrifices throughout the years. Those gymnasts who are willing to sacrifice so much often find themselves in college gymnastics or elite level programs.
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