Drills And Technique To Perfect Your Bars Pirouettes
Drills And Technique To Perfect Your Bars Pirouettes
Pirouettes on bars are crucial in constructing complete and complex routines. Whether you are just trying to fulfill a requirement or you are trying to maxi

Pirouettes on bars are crucial in constructing complete and complex routines. Whether you are just trying to fulfill a requirement or you are trying to maximize bonus points, pirouettes are always a great option. They can be a basic move as simple as a pirouette half competed in level 8, all the way up to an Ono competed in elite.
But where to start? After scanning through our extensive FloGymnastics library of technique videos, we’ve compiled a few videos that will help develop and improve pirouettes. Note: All drills are FloPRO videos, join now for unlimited access to drills, techniques, documentaries, live events, and more.

Position, Strength Drills for Handstands and Pirouettes
This drill helps to strengthen the correct muscles used in handstands and pirouettes on bars. While this drill can be used at all levels, it is especially helpful for lower levels as the one arm strength is crucial to be able to begin working on pirouettes.

Drilling the Quarter Turn in Pirouettes
While many think of pirouettes in half turns, this drill breaks it down even further to focus on the quarter turn. This drill also focuses on the shifting of weight while staying in a handstand.
Bar Pirouetting Setup This unique set up makes it possible for gymnasts to safely and effectively practice their pirouettes on their own. The drill emphasizes where a gymnast must shift their weight in order to end the pirouette in a handstand.

Drill for Onos and Other Pirouettes
Barry Hyder of Capital Gymnastics explains a bar drill to use for learning proper pirouetting technique. Hyder demonstrates this drill for Onos but the setup and idea can be used for other pirouettes as well.
Rainbow Bridge for Early Turn on Blind Changes Enrique Trabanino from Perfection Gymnastics gives us a drill he uses to help his gymnasts understand and feel the early turn for pirouettes on bars. This Turning Rainbow or Bridge gives them a nice side station to reinforce the early hand change and finishing turn in handstand. This drill is first done on the floor on a line then can be moved to the floor bar.
Preparation Drill to Develop the Blind Change and improve core stability
Mini tramp, floor bar set up for pirouettes and releases
But where to start? After scanning through our extensive FloGymnastics library of technique videos, we’ve compiled a few videos that will help develop and improve pirouettes. Note: All drills are FloPRO videos, join now for unlimited access to drills, techniques, documentaries, live events, and more.

Position, Strength Drills for Handstands and Pirouettes
This drill helps to strengthen the correct muscles used in handstands and pirouettes on bars. While this drill can be used at all levels, it is especially helpful for lower levels as the one arm strength is crucial to be able to begin working on pirouettes.

Drilling the Quarter Turn in Pirouettes
While many think of pirouettes in half turns, this drill breaks it down even further to focus on the quarter turn. This drill also focuses on the shifting of weight while staying in a handstand.
Bar Pirouetting Setup This unique set up makes it possible for gymnasts to safely and effectively practice their pirouettes on their own. The drill emphasizes where a gymnast must shift their weight in order to end the pirouette in a handstand.

Drill for Onos and Other Pirouettes
Barry Hyder of Capital Gymnastics explains a bar drill to use for learning proper pirouetting technique. Hyder demonstrates this drill for Onos but the setup and idea can be used for other pirouettes as well.
Rainbow Bridge for Early Turn on Blind Changes Enrique Trabanino from Perfection Gymnastics gives us a drill he uses to help his gymnasts understand and feel the early turn for pirouettes on bars. This Turning Rainbow or Bridge gives them a nice side station to reinforce the early hand change and finishing turn in handstand. This drill is first done on the floor on a line then can be moved to the floor bar.
Preparation Drill to Develop the Blind Change and improve core stability
Mini tramp, floor bar set up for pirouettes and releases