Social Media Roundup: The Mannequin Challenge on Another Level
Social Media Roundup: The Mannequin Challenge on Another Level
gymnastics mannequin challenge
You all know it well, the Mannequin Challenge is the latest viral video craze taking the Internet and social media by storm. Of course, our favorite gymnasts, teams and clubs have jumped in on the action and put some top notch gymnastics-twists on the classic!
Take some time and watch some of the most impressive and elaborate challenges out there so far!
The Kellogg's Tour crew worked their magic:
The British National Team took some time to post this golden take!
Alabama Gymnastics does a stellar version:
Paramount Elite putting up an impressive video!
A quick clip from the WOGA gang!
Michigan State with no wobbles in sight!
BYU with some serious tests of strength in this one!
Wait for the end, Temple has the celebration of the year.
UC Davis with another solid take!
The Ursinus Bears took on the challenge!
The men of Penn State with a truly frozen and incredibly strong group!
Those handstands from Kentucky!
Arizona posting and looking for that top Pac-12 Mannequin Challenge
I'm not sure if these will ever get old. Nice work everyone!
Take some time and watch some of the most impressive and elaborate challenges out there so far!
The Kellogg's Tour crew worked their magic:
The British National Team took some time to post this golden take!
Alabama Gymnastics does a stellar version:
Paramount Elite putting up an impressive video!
A quick clip from the WOGA gang!
Michigan State with no wobbles in sight!
BYU with some serious tests of strength in this one!
Wait for the end, Temple has the celebration of the year.
UC Davis with another solid take!
The Ursinus Bears took on the challenge!
Today UCG decided to take on the #MannequinChallenge gymnast style!
— Ursinus Gymnastics (@UrsinusGym) November 10, 2016
The men of Penn State with a truly frozen and incredibly strong group!
Those handstands from Kentucky!
UK took on the #MannequinChallenge today!
— Kentucky Gymnastics (@UKGymnastics) November 7, 2016
Arizona posting and looking for that top Pac-12 Mannequin Challenge
GymCats #MannequinChallenge
— Arizona GymCats (@ArizonaGymCats) November 4, 2016
I'm not sure if these will ever get old. Nice work everyone!