John Orozco's Road to London

John Orozco's Road to London

May 10, 2012 by Marina Mazor
John Orozco's Road to London

John Orozco's Road to London 


This great article details 19-year-old John Orozco's journey on the road to London.  Learn about how John began gymnastics as a kid living in a dangerous neighborhood in the Bronx, New York with his parents and 4 siblings, and ended up an Olympic hopeful and virtual lock for Team USA in London.  Read about his coach's assessment of young John's talent, find out what happened when 12-year-old John jumped into a fight to protect his older brothers on the eve of his first national championships, learn about what gymnastics trick young John used to do at a local pizzeria in exchange for free icees as a kid, find out why John continued in the sport despite constant teasing by his classmates, and read about how John overcame injuries and returned to the sport even stronger each time.  

Click here for the full article, by the Associated Press, on