A New Leader: Jennifer Kesler of LU Gymnastics talks about her unexpected role
A New Leader: Jennifer Kesler of LU Gymnastics talks about her unexpected role

While no head coach will be named to the Lindenwood Gymnastics Team until next season, Jen Kesler, Lindenwood Gymnastic's Graduate Assistant, found herself taking on that role and it's duties after Coach Goerlitz's unexpected resignation. The Lindenwood Lady Lions have, under her leadership, had a very successful inaugural season thus far, sitting #63 in national rankings and #4 in Division II rankings. Lindenwood Gymnastics has achieved 2 individual MIC honors and, so far have put a gymnast in the National Top 100.
Intern Amanda Leigh got a chance to sit down and chat with Jen about the Lady Lions as they begin to look toward their last meets of the season before the MIC Championships.
Amanda Leigh: What were your thoughts at the beginning of the gymnastics season? How was the attitude and what were the goals of the team?
Jennifer Kesler: My thoughts at the beginning of the season were “Wow these girls are good!” [They were] a lot more talented than I had expected coming into "D2" and they were all so motivated and driven to "Be The First!" Their attitudes were all so high-spirited, not really knowing what to expect since the majority were all freshman. [They were] just mainly excited to set the traditions, make and break records, and just simply make history for Lindenwood and a new program.
Amanda Leigh: Now the girls and gymnastics staff had a bit of a surprise when Gretchen resigned. How did you and team take the shock of being without a head coach?
Jennifer Kesler: This group of girls are the most mature group of young ladies (being they are mainly all freshman) that I have seen so I knew it wouldn't be the end for them. They are fighters and they are willing to do whatever it takes. It was definitely a shock to all of us but it was one of those things that since it was the beginning of season you can't dwell on it and let it affect you, you have to move forward, take your resources, take advantage of the people around us and continue to keep enjoying gymnastics and competing.
Amanda Leigh: Most of the head coach duties have now fallen on you though, and the girls clearly look to you as a leader and mentor. How do you feel about being put into that role?
Jennifer Kesler: They have, but I've been fortunate enough to have so many people reach out to help from [both] the gymnastics athletic side...[and] the Lindenwood athletic administration side […] so it hasn't been nearly as overwhelming as I thought it would be. It still is definitely a lot of work but I'm handling it better than I would be if I were alone. Being a gymnast, you don't realize all of the little details your coaches have to worry about. Being on the other side has most definitely made me appreciate my former coaches from Oregon State more and has made me reflect on how good you have it as a gymnast when your coaches take care of you in that sense. I […] am trying to do the same for these girls here. I never in a million years would have expected myself to be put in this position but like they say "It's kinda fun to do what you thought was once the impossible" so as challenging as it seems as times, it is such a great opportunity and I'm just enjoying my time with the girls and staff and trying to give them the most enjoyable college experience they can possibly have.
Amanda Leigh: I have noticed that Scott Cusimano, gym owner and head coach at GymQuarters, has been working more closely with the girls especially on bars. How has Scott been an asset to the team?

Jennifer Kesler: Oh, he's been great! He's so experienced and has sent a ton of girls off to college, so he gets it and he knows what college is all about. He brings a few different things to the team, one being that he is a male and most of the girls are used to having a male coach influence in their life and for spotting purposes he gives that trust to them and he's almost like the Papa of the team so the girls really respect him and feed off of his energy. He is very passionate about gymnastics and he expresses that through his words to the girls and I know it gets them fired up. Something that he has that I can't give them is experience and years of wisdom, so since I can't bring that, he does, so it is a nice balance.
Amanda Leigh: When I ran into Scott at the GymQuarters Invite, he mentioned to me that the girls had a rough meet at the meet against the Air Force Academy. What happened and how has the team recovered?
Jennifer Kesler: Yeah, it was definitely that one meet of the season that every team seems to have. Coming off of a continuous build of a 189 to a 191 to a 192, the girls were so pumped but just seemed to let their guard down at Air Force, thinking that it would be a walk in the park and that their gymnastics would just happen rather than focusing in and making it happen. They let their nerves and lack of focus get the best of them. It was really hard to see because they just gave a great meet away but we had a really good talk afterwards about it and they've been fired up in the gym these past two weeks. Another thing that we have to remember too is that they are all freshman and none of them (except for 1) has been through a complete college gymnastics season, so their bodies are really feeling it and their minds are mentally drained .. so this has been a great learning experience for them and trying to teach them from my own experiences how to deal with it all and how to rebound from something like this is really what this year is all about. This weekend will be exciting because I think they're back on track.
Amanda Leigh: That right! This weekend is a quad meet against University of Arkansas, University of Missouri, and the Centenary College of Louisiana. What have you been emphasizing with the girls in their training these past two weeks to get back on track?
Jennifer Kesler: Yes, it should be a really fun and exciting competition for them! For this week we have worked on our mental choreography and focusing in on taking one thing at a time and not getting ahead of ourselves. Also working on the details and having them find one more tenth here and there that they can add back to their routine. Also, our biggest focus is to just have fun and enjoy gymnastics because they are at their best when they are enjoying themselves. They had their best performance at home because they weren't putting pressure on themselves or thinking about the end results they were really in the moment each event and each routine at a time. I think Arkansas and the environment that we will be in will be the perfect set up for that. It'll be an awesome experience for them.
Amanda Leigh: What gymnasts have been an asset to the team this year? Any surprises? Special honors?
Jennifer Kesler: We've had two girls receive "LU Athlete of the week" and we've also had two girls receive "MIC gymnastics honors" so that has been super awesome for our girls and for the school to recognize.
Every girl has been an asset, but definitely Emily Turik since she is a Junior and a veteran and has been able to show these girls how to compete in college and it shows in her results. This is also her first year competing all around (she competed only bars and beam at Bridgeport) so this year for her has been a real challenge but also a huge reward for herself. It has been so fun to watch Emily come into her own since day one and to see her push through her injuries and to accomplish all she has thus far. She is capable of so much.
Also, Rachel comes to us from Nebraska so she knows what it takes to be that top team, which has also been great for the girls to soak up from her. She is fighter and a competitor and you can see it in her eyes from the moment she walks up to each apparatus. [It] gives you chills to watch her because she knows what she is going to do each time she competes.
Courtney has been a great asset to this team as well. Being a freshman, she has learned the ropes quickly and just loves to perform in front of the crowd. She is still learning how to adjust to competing week in and week out but she is doing phenomenal and is going to go far in college. We just have to make sure we keep her healthy.
Amanda Leigh: Well thanks so much for your time, Jen! I look forward to seeing how the team does this weekend! Take care and GO LIONS!
You can watch Lindenwood LIVE! This weekend through the University of Arkansas' Razorbacks Official Website!