2014 NCAA Womens Gymnastics ChampionshipsMay 2, 2014 by Becca Reed
2014 NCAA Championships Loveliest Leo
2014 NCAA Championships Loveliest Leo

The results are in and the Loveliest Leo from NCAA Nationals is Michigan’s “corset” leo! This leo captured our eye as soon as we saw it and Gymnastike users agreed. It breezed by the first round of polling winning with 32% of the votes (Oklahoma came in second with 28%). In the final poll, it again pulled ahead of the others and ultimately won with 50% of the votes.

This gorgeous leo has a unique background story to go along with its original design. The leo was designed by Michigan gymnast Sachi Sugiyama who has become a key factor in the teams fashion. The art and design junior began designing leos for the team her sophomore year when head coach Bev Plocki casually mentioned that it’d be great if she created some of them. She took that casual comment to heart and put her head to work.
Throughout last season, Sachi paid close attention to other teams’ leos, particularly during post season, “That’s when teams bust out their most impressive and prettiest leos so I was paying close attention at nationals, regionals, and big tens.” Sachi noted that Plocki would point out interesting leos during meets, “so I would sketch them real quick so I could remember the idea and hopefully incorporate them in future leos.”
Sachi sketched out a total of five leos for the team for this season, taking in suggestions and feedback from her teammates and coaches along the way. After the sketches were solid, the team voted on their favorite three to become a reality.

For our winning “corset” leo, the idea began from Sachi’s attraction to the deep V cut. Sachi noted she loved the leo Nastia wore when she won the 2008 Olympics, which had a deep V esign. “I really liked the idea of the deep V” Sachi stated, “but thought- how could I change it up to make it more spectacular and more beautiful?” She then gathered inspiration from Elizabethan Era dresses, intrigued by the way the corset shape was flattering to the female figure. Still wanting more, she added the scallop edges, and alas, the “corset” leo was born.
Typically the team already knows which leo they will wear for every meet of the season. However, the leos that Sachi designed were still arriving during the 2014 season and the “corset” leo only arrived one week before senior night, where they planned to debut it. After regionals, the team sat down together and decided which leos they wanted to wear at Nationals and they happened to all be Sachi’s designs.
Sachi has already started designing leos for next season, drawing on inspiration from this year. While she looks for other teams for ideas, she makes a point to incorporate themes and not copy entire ideas. “I’m getting more comfortable with the idea of leo design and how they look on peoples bodies and how you can make it look flattering [and] more simplified, but also be detailed.”
Congratulations to Sachi, Michigan, and the winning “corset” leo! Thanks to all our fans for voting and make sure to keep your eye out for Sachi’s new designs next season.