2014 P&G Gymnastics Championships

Key Withdraws From Championships

Key Withdraws From Championships

Aug 11, 2014 by Becca Reed
Key Withdraws From Championships

Bailie Key
has withdrawn from the P&G Championships due to recovery from her minor elbow injury. 

Texas Dreams posted a statement on their website highlighting Bailie's incredible junior international elite career and the past 14 months where she went eight for eight in all-around gold medals. 

They stated that Bailie had a quick surgery to repair her elbow that was bothering her. While they did not outright state it, it seems as though she has not has adequate time to prepare for the Championships. 

While it is disappointing to not get to see Bailie at Championships, it's important to look at the bigger picture, as stated in the Texas Dreams post. Bailie has dominated the junior field and as of January 1, 2015, she will be in the senior age division. We're looking forward to her adding more difficulty to her routines and seeing her as a strong competitor in the senior field.

Original Texas Dreams post below or read it here.

14 months… 8 for 8 all-around golds for Bailie Key!
Not bad. (-:  Now what?  Applaud this stellar junior international elite career.  As of January 1st, Bailie will officially be eligible to compete in the senior ranks of this small company of amazing gymnasts.  Throughout the past couple weeks, it has been challenging to settle on our decision.  But in the end, with the 100% undeviating advice and support of those we trust and respect the most, together with Bailie, we decided it best that she forego this year’s Championships.  Letting her safety along with "big picture" goals guide us, it became an obvious decision, although not an easy one.  
After another successful camp in July, Bailie was preparing well once again. However at first complaint, Bailie had her elbow examined by the best and reevaluated by our most-trusted.  Luckily, without structural damage, a quick surgery with a short recovery was the best option.  In one way, it can be looked at as poor timing.  But I wouldn’t trade any of the opportunities Bailie has stepped up to for this one.  Each has allowed her to overcome different challenges and showcase new strengths, seven of which were on an international stage.   So, instead of fretting over this missed Championships, we choose to quickly turn the page, redirect to the next goals, and allow her to take a much-deserved breath before starting this next chapter of her career.  
Our hope right now is that those with voices in the gymnastics community will choose to “cheers” Bailie with us and realize that it is never easy to stand back and watch a competition of which you have worked to shine.  We are so proud of Bailie and her ownership of her path!  While, selfishly, we are not thrilled to travel to Pittsburgh without her, we are confident with this decision being best for the future dreams she’s working to make her reality.

Watch Bailie Key's floor routine from Pac Rims training 
Quick Questions with Bailie Key 
Beyond the Routine: Bailie Key the Leader of the Dream Team (Gold)
Full P&G Championships roster