2014 Senior Pan American Championships

Senior Pan Ams Sub 1 Recap

Senior Pan Ams Sub 1 Recap

Aug 30, 2014 by Marissa From Gymnastike
Senior Pan Ams Sub 1 Recap

Team USA started with Skinner, Desch, Nichols, Kocian, Locklear in the UB line-up with five up and four scores to count for this competition.
MyKayla Skinner started the competition out with a good routine, although her shaposh half turn and forward giant half gave her a little trouble. Otherwise, she competed with good height on her releases with only a small hop on her dismount landing. She scored a 13.85.
Madison Desch competed a solid bars set scoring a 13.60 and Maggie Nichols, although she missed her Ray to pak connection, scored a good 14.25. Madison Kocian hit a great bars set with her beautiful lines with only with a small hop on the landing earning a 14.75. Bars beauty Ashton Locklear performed last up. She looked a little shaky in her handstands and pirouettes, but delivered a world-class solid routine and her coach looked thrilled after her performance. She earned a huge 15.0 for her routine - Watch it here.
Onto the second rotation, Skinner lead the way again starting on beam. She hit an impressive and very solid back handspring full twisting tuck somersault. She had slight hesitation on her switch leap-switch half connection that caused her to not complete the full rotation. She missed a few connections and looked tentative during her performance. She scored a 13.75. Hundley next hit a good triple series - jump into free walkover sissone - and back handspring layout step out with a little wobble. She performed great leaps and scored a 13.20. Desch unfortunately fell on her back handspring back handspring layout series, but completed the rest of her routine well. She scored a 13.10. Nichols hit her first combination, however, bent forwards on her side somi landing. Her switch ring looked a little hesitant, but she finished with an almost stuck double pike dismount. She scored a 13.95. Kocian up last took a few small steps back after landing her standing arabian, but save it well. She performed a nice front aerial to sheep with only a little wobble. She earned the highest for the USA girls today with a 14.600.
Team USA’s intention to have only four girls compete on floor didn’t start as planned when Hundley competed hitting a solid double layout, but fell on her 1 1/2 through to punch front layout. She scored 11.65. Desch performed a good whip to double arabian and 1 1/2 to rudi. She complete her routine well with a nice ending and scored a 13.45. Nichols performed a very nice double layout with small leg separation, full in pike with a little leg shuffle on landing, great leaps, and a 1 1/2 through to double tuck with a tiny step back. Her presentation was very nice and earned a 13.70.

Skillpacked Skinner performed a huge double twisting double layout with a large hop back bouncing out of bounds on the landing. She tumbled a great double double tuck with only a step on her 1 1/2 through to 2 1/2 last pass. She scored a 13.95. Watch her routine here.
Onto the last rotation for today. Skinner's Cheng scored a 15.30 and she hit a solid second vault of a double twisting Yurchenko with a big step and scored 14.95. Hundley scored a nice 13.95 for her 1 1/2 twisting Yurchenko and Desch a 14.75 for her double twisting Yurchenko. Nichols only performed a full twisting Yurchenko, after a tweaking her knee earlier during her floor performance. She scored a 13.60.
After subdivision one, USA finished with a 223.700 team total with Skinner finishing in the lead for the all-around with a 56.850, Nichols with 55.500 and Desch with 54.900.

Team Results After Subdivision One:

USA - 223.700
ARG - 204.450
CHI - 192.250

AA Results:

1. Mykayla Skinner USA - 56.850
2. Maggie Nichols USA - 55.500 
3. Madison Desch USA - 54.900 
4. Ayelen Tarabini ARG - 52.050 
5. Ailen Valente ARG - 50.100 
6. Macarena Pinto CHI - 49.600 
7. Merlina Galera ARG - 49.450 
8. Simona Castro CHI - 47.550 

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