2014 Senior Pan American Championships



Aug 31, 2014 by Marissa From Gymnastike
MAG Floor Final:
The 2005 and 2007 World Floor Champion, Diego Hypolito from Brazil, opened up day one of event finals at Senior Pan Ams on the floor. He performed a world-class routine including double arabian punch front full, a stuck double arabian pike, 1 1/2 punch double full, and whip into triple twist last pass with an almost perfect landing. He delivered a huge 16.8 level difficulty routine. He previously scored 15.30 in qualifications and earned a great 15.625 for this routine.
Leru from Cuba who qualified in fourth, delivered a very nice routine including a stuck double arabian side pass and triple twist to finish with a small hop. He scored 14.50

Fan favorite Olympian and Olympic finalist Gonzalez from Chile performed double arabian layout half turn and very clean 1 1/2 roll out with a stuck whip to triple to finish. The 28-year old scored a huge 15.70, taking the lead ahead of Hypolito.
Twenty year old Sean Melton from USA performed a double arabian pike with a hop back and 2 1/2 twist to finish. Not quite the difficulty that we had seen previously from Gonzalez and Hypolito, but a good routine with lots of potential from Melton. He earned a 14.60.
Team USA teammate CJ Maestas opened with a double double tuck hop forwards, 2 1/2 punch tuck full side pass, very clean layout 1 1/2 roll out, and full-in tuck last pass. He scored a 14.825.
Soto Byfield from Costa Rica was performing in his biggest international so far in his career. He hit a great routine with a double arabian pike and good double arabian last pass. His front double twist to punch front full twisting layout just touched out of bounds which caused him a 0.3 deduction. He scored a 14.225.
Next was Vega from Guatamala presented a nice double arabian pike to hop side ways, good handspring double twist to layout half turn. However, he landed his triple twist a little short and lacked high that caused him to put his hand down on the landing. He scored a 13.975.
Last up was Olympic Rings Champion Zanetti from Brazil who performed a nice 1 1/2 to punch double twist, double front side pass, and almost perfect double arabian last pass to finish. He scored 15.0 in qualifications and for this routine he earned 15.075, placing him in third place to finish this event final.
MAG FX Event Final Results:

1. Gonzalez CHI - 15.70
2. Hypolito BRA - 15.625
3. Zanetti BRA - 15.075
4. Maestas USA - 14.825
5. Melton USA - 14.60
6. Leru CUB - 14.50
7. Soto Byfield CRC - 14.225
8. Vega GUA - 13.975
WAG Vault Final:

Opening up the competition was Isabelle Cruz from Brazil performed a very clean 1 1/2 Yurchenko for her first vault. For her second vault, she competed a handspring pike front half out with a step to the side. She scored an average of 13.887
Winner of the vault qualifications, USA's Mykayla Skinner performed a beautiful Cheng with a very clean landing and only a small hop backwards. Her second vault of a DTY was also very clean with small hop backwards. Her form and presentation is improving the more she competes. She earned a great 15.037 average.
Yesenia Ferrera from Cuba competed a handspring layout 1 1/2, but landed very short with big step forwards. Her second vault was tsuk double twist that was very nice with great height and a step backwards. She earned a 14.40.
Maegan Chant from Canada competed in her only final for this competition with a tsuk full twist first vault and handspring pike half second vault. Both were very clean and with a hop backwards, but performed well. She scored an average of 13.962. 
Alexa Moreno from Mexico vaulted a handspring front layout with 1 1/2 twist, but didn’t get enough height and fell short onto hands and knees. Her second vault consisted of a tsuk double twist that also landed short with very big step forwards that caused her to put her hand down. She scored a 13.45 average. 
Cuba's Elena Torres performed a nice DTY with a step backwards and handspring tuck full twist that was very clean scoring a 14.112 average.
Next was Nicolle Vasquez from Puerto Rico hit a handspring pike half turn with step side ways. After running out during her first attempt for her second vault, she performed a DTY but fell to hands and knees.
Last up was Paula Mejia from Puerto Rico who competed a very nice handspring tuck half turn first vault and also very nice tsuk double twist with only a tiny hop, scoring an average of 13.812.
Skinner from USA won by far with her excellent difficulty and clean vaults to win the vault title at this 2014 Senior Pan American Championships. She hopes earn her spot on the team and contend for vault finals later on this year at the World Championships in Nanning, China. Be sure to watch her winning vaults here.
WAG VT Event Final Results:

1. Skinner USA - 15.037 - Video
2. Ferrera CUB 14.40
3. Torres CUB - 14.112
4. Chant CAN - 13.962
5. Cruz BRA - 13.887
6. Mejias PUR - 13.812
7. Morena MEX - 13.450
8. Vazquez PUR 13.0