Friday Focus: The One And Only Laurie Hernandez

Friday Focus: The One And Only Laurie Hernandez

Nov 17, 2014 by Becca Reed
Friday Focus: The One And Only Laurie Hernandez

This week's Friday Focus features MG Elite's Laurie Hernandez. Get to know this bubbly gymnast in and out of the gym. Watch our latest Beyond the Routine that features Hernandez here.

What is your favorite memory as a gymnast, so far?
My favorite memory as a gymnast was competing at Japan as my first international competition.
Have you ever done anything embarrassing in competition?
Once in a level 4 competition, I tried to jump to the low bar. The mat the I was standing was too far from the bar, and I face planted!
If you had a day off from practice, how would you spend your free time?
I would spend my free time either doing my nails, watching a movie, or going to the mall! 

If you could be any other gymnast, who would you be?
I would pick to be Simone [Biles] because she can tumble really amazing!
Who is your childhood hero?
My childhood heroes are sister and my mom.
How would you describe your personality?
I have a very bubbly personality!

What is your worst habit in the gym?
My worst habit is taking off and putting on my rubber bands for my grips in between my turns for bars!
Who are two gymnasts you admire most?
I admire Kyla Ross because of how graceful she is and Bailie Key because of her consistency. 
If you made a life bucket list, what would be your number one activity to accomplish? Going to the Olympics is my number one activity to accomplish on my bucket list. 
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
The most played song on my iPod right now is Jump Right In but the Zac Brown Band!

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I would like to learn how to do my own make up!

If you could witness any event past, present, or future, what would it be?

I would love to witness the first ever gymnastics competition. 
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
The first thing I would do is give to charity.
Besides gymnastics, what is your favorite sport to watch/play?
My favorite sport to watch and play (yeah right..) is football.
What song would you sing at Karaoke night?
Living on a prayer by Bon Jovi

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Spaghetti with marinara sauce :)
Do you have nicknames?
My nicknames are endless! Some of them are Lolo, Chalky, and monkey.

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
I have eaten snails before!

Do you collect anything?
I collect key chains from different places that I travel to

Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I am an extrovert, for sure ;) 
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
I would say I'm a seven!

If you could join any past or current music group, which would you want to join?
I would probably join 5 Seconds of Summer.

Are you creative in any way?
I think I'm creative with my dance on floor

Beyond the Routine, The Rise of MG Elite: Episode 2 - Laurie Hernandez
Friday Focus: Jazmyn Foberg
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