Friday Focus: Stanford Cardinal Rebecca Wing
Friday Focus: Stanford Cardinal Rebecca Wing

This week's Friday Focus features Stanford gymnast and England native Rebecca Wing.
What is your favorite memory as a gymnast, so far?
Performing at the Super Six my freshman year was definitely one of the most amazing moments for me, and then of course being selected for the Olympic team in 2008.
If you weren’t doing gymnastics, what would you be doing? Why?
I would love to do another sport but unfortunately gymnastics is the one and only athletic ability I have so I'd probably just be a regular student and still living in England!
Have you ever done anything embarrassing in practice? Competition?
One day during my freshman year I was doing casts on bars and had hit 4 perfect handstands in a row so my coach called for everyone to watch my next one. I went for the next cast but my shoulders were too far forward and I landed on my thighs on the bar, flipped around and landed on my back on the floor. Not only was it painful and embarrassing but of course everyone in the entire gym saw it!
If you had an off day from practice, how would you spend your free time?
I'd spend most of my time in the machine shop since I'm taking a super cool engineering class where we get to design and build our own products and I am in the process of building a carousel inspired wine rack.
Who is your childhood hero?
My sister has always been my hero and still is today. She is only 11 months older than me and so growing up I always looked up to her and wanted to do everything she did. She inspires me to be a better person and without her I wouldn't have such a high standard to live up to.
What does gymnastics look like for you in the next year?
It's crazy and scary that in less than six months I will be done with gymnastics. I'm just trying to make every last day count by soaking in every moment I get to spend with my team and best friends doing something that we all love.
How would you describe your personality?
I'm very easy-going, hardworking, optimistic and I like to think I'm caring toward others.
In ten years, where do you see yourself and what will you be doing?
I hope to be happy and healthy, doing something that I love with people I love. I will hopefully be starting a family and my dream would be to also start my own company.
Who are two gymnasts you admire most? Why?
Nastia Liukin was always my idol growing up as her gymnastics was so beautiful, elegant and effortless. But I also admire my teammate and best friend Ivana Hong. She has overcome so many obstacles in her career but she is so driven and continues to not only push herself but everyone else to be better every single day. Next year I will miss seeing her in the gym every day, however, luckily I get to see her compete for another year!
If you made a life bucket list, what would be your number one activity to accomplish?
Sky diving!

Image via Stanford Gymnastics on Facebook
What is the most difficult thing you’ve had to overcome in gymnastics?
Definitely tearing my ACL at the end of my freshman year. I had never had an injury that completely hindered me from doing gymnastics, let alone for six months. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason and looking back on it now, it allowed me to grow in so many other ways, not only as a gymnast but as a person, teammate and friend.
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
“Free Fallin'” by John Mayer, such a classic.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I would love to learn how to cook really well. Then I can host dinner parties and I'll get my two favorite things at once, food and friends!
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Getting accepted to Stanford!
Besides gymnastics, what is your favorite sport to watch/play?
Since coming to college, I've become a huge fan of basketball and I try to go to every home game that I can. In terms of playing sports, I'm pretty embarrassing at almost every other sport, however I do enjoy playing sand volleyball with my friends in the summer.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pad thai! I ate it for three weeks straight when I traveled around Thailand and it still never got old.
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
I actually had a chicken heart and it surprisingly wasn't bad at all!
Who is your best friend and how did you meet?
My sister has been my best friend for 22 years. Even though I only get to see her a few times a year now because she still lives in England, we talk most days and are still as close as ever.
Are you creative in any way? If so, how?
I love to sketch and design. I'm majoring in product design which is a mechanical engineering major with a focus on design. After college I hope to be able to do something where I am able to design and create new products to somehow change the world.
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