Ten Things To Cherish In College Gymnastics

Ten Things To Cherish In College Gymnastics

NCAA Gymnastics provides unforgettable opportunities for thousands of gymnasts across the country, and the memories made will last a lifetime.

Nov 29, 2015 by Rebecca Johnson
Ten Things To Cherish In College Gymnastics

NCAA Gymnastics provides unforgettable opportunities for thousands of gymnasts across the country, and the memories made will last a lifetime. When in the heat of preseason or competition season, yes, there is a load of stress on the body and mind, but that's when it is most important to step back, put everything into perspective, and be truly thankful for the life that so many others dream about.

As a former college athlete, I know how easy it is to take little aspects of the crazy, busy lifestyle for granted. Below are 10 things college gymnasts should try to genuinely cherish while they can... because four years goes by so very fast!

10. Meet day butterflies…and little kids that make you feel like a rockstar afterwards as they line up for autographs.


9. The support of the entire athletic department -- from academic advisors to the marketing team.

8. Trainers with endless patience and magical abilities to help you and your body feel better.

7. Free snacks. All day every day.

6. Cold tubs… well maybe not. (But in hindsight, they really do work wonders)


5. Coaches who devote so much of their time to helping you become a better gymnast, and teach you life lessons along the way.

4. Locker room dance parties…and lots of them.


3. The unforgettable feeling of a stuck landing and the obnoxiously awesome high fives/hugs that follow.

2. Bus rides to meets that feel never-ending but are packed with some of the most memorable moments of every year.


1. Teammates that become sisters and start to know you better than you even know yourself.


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