Tempe Elite Qualifier Results Results
Jun 7
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The first National Elite Qualifier of the summer season took place over the weekend in Tempe, Arizona. This meet is one of three National qualifiers that will take place before the US Classic in July and the US National Championships in August. 


First, here's a rundown of the elite qualifying scores for 2010: 


Senior International (16 and up): 35.00 AA 

Junior International (ages 11 - 15): 35.00 AA

Junior Pre-Elite (ages 11-14): 33.50

Hopes (ages 10 - 12): 32.00

In order for a gymnast to earn International Elite status, they must pass the compulsory testing. Athletes that have already competed at a Classic are not required to attain another compulsory score. 


OPTIONAL SCORES to Qualify to Classics or Challenge:

Senior International: 53.00 AA at a 2010 Qualifier, NT camp, or at 2009 US Championships

 or 3 Event=42.0, 2 Event =29.0

Junior International: 51.00 AA at a 2010 Qualifier, NT camp, or at 2009 US Championships

Junior Pre-Elite ages 13-14: 49.00 at a Qualifier or NT camp

Junior Pre-Elite ages 11-12: 48.00 at a Qualifier or NT camp

Hopes ages 12: 48.00 at Qualifier

Hopes age 10-11 47.00 at Qualifier


OPTIONAL SCORES to Qualify to Championships:

Senior International: 54.00 AA at a 2010 Qualifier, Classic or International Assignment or NT Camp

or 3 Event=43.50, 2 Event =30.00

Junior International: 52.00 AA at a 2010 Qualifier, Classic, International Assignment or NT Camp




Here are the top results from the Tempe National Elite Qualifier:


JUNIORS who received optional qualifying scores to Championships:

McKayla Maroney, All Olympia 56.90 

Claire Boyce, Texas Dreams 55.30

Mykayla Skinner, Desert Lights 54.80

Pua Hall, Texas Dreams 53.70

Payton Ernst, Texas Dreams 53.70

Lauren Marinez, Orlando Metro 53.55

Dare Maxwell, Texas Dreams 53.50

Jessica Wang, Precision Gymnastics 53.00

Devin Sheridan, SCEGA 52.60

Ashton Kim, Texas Dreams 52.050


to Classics:

Phoebe Pummarachai, Gym-Max 51.70

Rachel Daum, Stars Gymnastics 51.40

Bridget Dean, Orlando Metro 51.30


JUNIOR Pre-Elite Qualifiers (optional scores):

Simone Biles, Bannons Gymnastix 49.90

Stefani Catour, Desert Lights 49.250



SENIORS who received optional qualifying scores to Championships:

Jaclyn McCartin, Charter Oak Gliders 55.30

Georgia Dabritz, Ace Gymnastics 54.150


to Classics:

Rheagan Courville, Gymnasiana 53.50

Nicolette McNair, Gym-Max 53.50



Hopes gymnasts who received optional qualifying scores to the Challenge:

Nia Dennis, Buckeye Gymnastics 47.45

Madilyn Probst, Desert Lights 47.00


Former University of Arkansas gymnast Casey Jo Magee also competed. She just completed her NCAA eligibility this season and was the NCAA All Around runner up. She failed to qualify elite this weekend in her first attempt. In the compulsory competition, she won floor (9.65) and beam (9.30) but struggled on bars and missed qualifying by 7 tenths. In the optional competition she did not compete bars and totaled a 40.450. If she plans to specialize on the 3 events and qualify to Classics she'll need to total a 42.0 on the 3 events. This was her very first elite competition as she competed only level 10 as a club gymnast. I'm confident she'll make it. If you've never seen her compete, she is beautiful on beam.



On a side note, I just noticed that they have lowered the amount of automatic qualifiers to the US National team to just the top SIX all around finishers for both juniors and seniors at the 2010 US Championships. From there they will select up to 8 additional members (junior or senior). This is a big cut from last year where the top 10 All Around finishers automatically qualified and there are currently 26 gymnasts on the women's National Team.   

Click here to view full meet results on USA Gymnastics