New invert sequence development.
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In this sequence the gymnast is showing a jam to invert, eagle endo, and invert. The value of this sequence will be B jam .2, B eagle .2, C endo .3 for .7. The first invert is counted as part of the jam, and the last invert is a repeated element receiving no value. The gymnast needs to show more extension in the shoulders before the stoop allowing him more room so he can perform with straight legs. This will also cause the jam to turnover quicker allowing for him to open in handstand. The gymnast has a tendency to lose a small amount of pressure on the descending phase of the invert. He can remedy this by keeping a tighter core and pushing back on the bar as he swings down. There is a slight loss of pressure on the entry of the endo which in turn causes the exit to be a little late. He should push and extend before the drop, similiar to the mistake on the jam. On the exit the gymnast should put his chin on his chest sooner, causing him to regain pressure and return to an inverted handstand directly on top of the bar. The piking action of the invert and the endo itself are exceptional.