The Most Insane Pass You'll Ever See! Double Double Punch Double Front
The Most Insane Pass You'll Ever See! Double Double Punch Double Front
Martin Drumev of Bulgaria recently executed one of the most incredible tumbling passes EVER. Check out this double twisting double back straight into a doub

Martin Drumev of Bulgaria recently executed one of the most incredible tumbling passes EVER.
Check out this double twisting double back straight into a double front!!!
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Yes, there's room for improvement on the landing! But this is absolutely amazing.
That's all I have to say.
11-Year-Old Addison Fatta Tumbling Like You Wouldn't Believe
Check out this double twisting double back straight into a double front!!!
(Watch here on mobile)
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Yes, there's room for improvement on the landing! But this is absolutely amazing.
That's all I have to say.
11-Year-Old Addison Fatta Tumbling Like You Wouldn't Believe