Friday, January 11
Session 2: Gym B Level 9
Aerial East; All Star-LA; Austin Elite; Champion; Incline; J&R; Mary Jane’s; NEG; NWK Sports; OK City; Powerhouse; Richardson; Silver Stars; Southern Starz-FL; TEGA; Top Flight; United; Zero Gravity
11:30AM - general warm-up
11:50AM - march-in
12:00PM - competition
Session 3: Gym A Level 10 and Gym B Level 9
Level 10: Aerial Athletics; Capital; Champion; Crossfire; Discover; Empire, Flame; JamJev; NEG; NWK Sports; Powerhouse; Premier-CO; Silver Stars; Southern Starz-FL
Level 9: Bart Conner; Boerne; Crenshaw; H-Town; HGA; Impact; Lakewood; Pinnacle; Royals
3:15PM - general warm-up
3:35PM - march-in
3:45PM - competition
Session 4: Gym A Level 10 and Gym B Level 9
Level 10: Austin Elite; Bart Conner; Crenshaw; Cypress; Incline; J&R; Lakewood; OK City; Richardson; Top Flight; United
Level 9: Aerial Athletics; Capital; Crossfire; Cypress; Discover; Empire; Flame; Flips-TX; JamJev; Premier-CO; Rowland Ballard; TAAG; Waxahachie
6:30PM - general warm-up
6:50PM - march-in
7:00PM - competition
Saturday, January 12
Session 8: Fiesta Jam Finals
Fiesta Jam Finals qualifiers will be announced following each session's awards presentation.
7:15PM - doors open for spectators
7:30PM - march-in ceremony