Most Difficulty In The 2018 NCAA Super Six: Vault Edition
May 29, 2018
In our fourth and final installment on the most difficulty in the 2018 NCAA Super Six, we are taking a look at vault. Specifically, we're analyzing which teams had the most 10.0 start value vaults. In 2016, the Yurchenko full was devalued to a 9.95 start value, and many teams since then have reacted by upping the difficulty of the vaults their gymnasts compete. We have seen more Yurchenko 1.5s and even Yurchenko doubles.Most Difficulty In The 2018 NCAA Super Six: Uneven Bars Edition
May 11, 2018
In NCAA gymnastics, execution is paramount to an athlete’s success on the floor, thanks in large part to the use of the 10.0 system. Gymnasts strive for perfection and look to minimize form deductions as much as possible, and difficulty often takes a back seat as a result.